Greeting to Customers

We, technical experts, are always challenging developing new technology. As a pioneer for submersible pump, Sakuragwa was established in September 1955, and became a member of AKTIO in 2015, which is the biggest rental company in Japan. We have a wide range of submersible pumps, from small to large type, high-head and high-capacity type. Recently, we have been developing products applied our technology of submersible pump and trying to provide new services following digitalization as a global trend.

Overseas market expansion is one of our significant policies, and nowadays, we have business with over 30 countries. We believe that our design and quality to last for a long time are recognized worldwide while a lot of unreliable products is on the market.

Employee engagement is a key driver for our business. We focus on developing diverse human resources and creating environment where each and every employee can maximize their own individualities. To improve individual skill, we not only support the acquirement of the certification, but introduce the practical training. Some employees have gotten opportunities to work for desired field by their efforts, even if their previous field was different. Sakuragawa aims for the company which each employee’s dream come true by their own efforts.

We will continue our efforts to provide best products with the spirit passed down from senior engineers who had kept pursuing technology.

Company Slogan

Hydro-Techno Solution - is US

Find solutions with Hydro Technology

Management Philosophy

We, Sakuragawa Pump MFG Co.. LTD, will challenge the followings;

  • 1.Widely expanding businesses from submersible techno solution to hydro techno fields, to be technical experts able to contribute to society.
  • 2.Seeking to improve the quality , costs, and delivery in order for a reliable company.
  • 3.Being a manufacturing company that is always cautious to saving energy and "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", or 3R.
    That activity is, what we believe, to contribute to community.
  • 4.Implementation to become an attractive company that can keep the good quality of work environment
    for all employees through their personal development and experiences.

Quality Assurance Policy

SAKURAGAWA aims at pursuing customer satisfaction with high-quality product.

ISO9001 Certified since October 2000

Global Environment Policy

SAKURAGAWA as the manufacturer of submersible pumps will devalop environmentally friendly products by taking the economical aspects into account and contributing to the creation of a sustainable society with cooperation from all SAKURAGAWA employees.

ISO14001 Certied since August 2007

Product Development Policy

"The development and delivery of products that are always desirable"

  • Market : Grasp the Trends of the marketplace
  • User Needs: Identify the needs of the customer
  • Database : Experienced knowledge accumulated from a proven track record
  • Technology : Technical-based evidence and product development

Company Profile

Company Name Sakuragawa Pump Mfg.Co.,Ltd.
Head Office Hulic Kasai Rinkai Building 6F, 3-6-4, Rinkai-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, 134-0086, Japan
Inaugurarion September,1953
Establishment September,1955
Capital JPY58,750,000
President Fumikazu Mizutani
Employees 121
Member of Japan Construction Machinery Association
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Japan Water & Landscape Association
Fukui Factory 49-111-13, Yonozu, Mikuni-cho, Sakai, Fukui, 913-0036, Japan
The total site area 19,617m2
The total floor area 3,680m2
Lines of Business Submersible pumps for buildings and constructions Drainage of water out of construction sites, minings and dredging out of harbour projects, etc., Submersible pumps for stationary use such as drainage of sewage water from buildings, sewage plants, etc., Engine-driven pumps, Fountain systems, Water mixers, Submersaible agitators, Designing and manufacturing every sort of specific pumps, Designing installation and commissioning of every sort of drainage facility, etc.


Sept. 1953Initiated at Naniwa Ward, Osaka. Starting as the first manufacturer of submersible pump in Japan.
Sept. 1955Established as Sakuragawa Pump Mfg. Co., Ltd.
May. 1959The factory was moved to Asahi Ward, .Osaka. Equipped with frequency converter, we carried out our planning to promote the quality of our products.
Nov. 1965Tokyo and Osaka office were opened to start establishing sales network all over Japan.
Mar. 1966Fukuoka office was opened
Jan. 1967Sendai office was opened.
Apr. 1968Head Office and the factory were established at Nisi-Ai, Ibaraki, Osaka Pref.
Aug. 1968Sapporo office was opened.
Oct. 1968Hiroshima office was opened.
Sept. 1969The capital was increased to the amount, JPY30,000,000
Apr. 1970Approved by CSA. (Canadian Standards Association)
Jun. 1970Nagoya office was opened.
Nov. 1970Niigata office was opened.
Jul. 1971Takamatsu office was opened.
Jul. 1972Kagoshima office was opened.
Sept. 1973The capital was increased to the amount, JPY50,000,000
Feb. 1975Technical Assistance Agreement was concluded with Industrias Lopraiza S.A. de C.V. in Mexico.
Jul. 1977Approved by Ministry for the Business of Construction General, Civil Engineering and Construction, Piping Works, Installation Works for Machineries.
Jun. 1979Development of super high head submersible pump, U-22006.
Dec. 1992Fukui factory was opened.
Apr. 1997Okinawa office was opened.
Sept. 1999Fukui office was opened.
Oct. 2000Fukui factory was approved as ISO9001 factory.
May. 2001Head Office and Osaka branch office were moved to 1-2-11, Itsukaichi, Ibaraki, Osaka.
Sept. 200350th Anniversary
Feb. 2007IT PUMP was awarded as a “Creative Testimonial” for the 32nd Grand Invention Award in Japan.
Aug. 2007Fukui factory was approved as ISO14001 factory.
Dec. 2012Increased capital to JPY58,750,000.
Sept. 201360th Anniversary
Sept. 202370th Anniversary


Overseas Business Division Hulic Kasai Rinkai Building 6F, 3-6-4, Rinkai-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, 134-0086, Japan +81-3-5679-0863 +81-3-3680-0721
Head Office Hulic Kasai Rinkai Building 6F, 3-6-4, Rinkai-cho, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, 134-0086, Japan +81-3-5679-0861 +81-3-3680-0382
Fukui Factory 49-111-13, Yonozu, Mikuni-cho, Sakai, Fukui, 913-0036, Japan +81-776-82-7862 +81-776-82-7938

Service Network

United force of marketing net-work and high level technical skill that our strategic management system comes from.

Full Attendant Service System to meet Requirements from Our Clients.
We intend to put new ideas into practice before clients come to need, and let them reflect upon every aspect of our products. It is our rigid posture of developing our products.
Sakuragawa also enjoys a great reliance from our clients for our full attendance in after-sales-services.
The highly leveled sales system has been built up through bilateral effects of these two main wheels.
Other strong forces are, of course, our sales force with high technique and an expansion of our service networks in order to respond as whatever way seems to be best at the times.
This system has been enhanced every year not only in domestic market but also in overseas markets, forming a basic foundation in supporting the higher level of undertaking.

Global Distributors

East/Southeast Asia :TaiwanIndonesiaMalaysiaSingapore
Middle East :Saudi ArabiaBahrainKuwait
Oceania :New ZealandAustralia
Africa :EgyptSouth AfricaZimbabweZambia
North/South America :CanadaMexicoPeruChile